Document Artificial Intelligence Solution

Extract insights from documents that matter
Document Intelligence is a powerful custom AI knowledge solution that allows you to integrate, search, and gain insights from documents that matter to you.
Document AI solutions for the world bankDocument AI solutions for UL skins sciences inc
Organize and secure millions of documents of any format in one place
Scan and extract information from documents at scale using cutting-edge AI
Uncover new relationships and facts to make better informed decisions

Bring everything into one secure, scalable cloud-based platform

Co-create an AI knowledge solution that addresses your specific use case

Get the right information from relevant documents in every search

Fast and powerful at its core

Customizable with our comprehensive range of core technologies

Leverage document intelligence in your business

ML for Document Digitization

Relevant Sorting Algorithm

Contextual Artifical Intelligence

Extract insights from documents that matter

Document Artificial Intelligence Solution

Document Intelligence is a powerful custom AI knowledge solution that allows you to integrate, search, and gain insights from documents that matter to you.
Organize and secure millions of documents of any format in one place
Scan and extract information from documents at scale using cutting-edge AI
Uncover new relationships and facts to make better informed decisions
Bring everything into one secure, scalable cloud-based platform
We help clients integrate documents from internal and external sources into a platform built on public clouds using open standard technologies.
Co-create an AI knowledge solution that addresses your specific use case
Our experts work with you to ensure the information you care about is extracted, processed, and analyzed efficiently and sustainably suited for your unique set of documents.
Explore our core technologies
Get the right information from relevant documents in every search
Search through millions of documents at unprecedented speeds without missing material information through a scalable search engine, built just for you.
unlock 100% of your data
with Document Intelligence
Only 10% of your data is usable, with 90% locked into unstructured, siloed documents that are time and labor intensive to process.
Turn these into structured, usable data with our experts using tried-and-tested leading-edge AI.
*based on tests conducted on training data
Fast and powerful at its core
ML for Document Digitization
Documents that require manual encoding are digitized through cutting edge machine learning.
Relevant Sorting Algorithm
Retrieve results based on a flexible scoring criteria that understand what is relevant to you.
Contextual Artifical Intelligence
Our AI models are trained to understand the context of your questions and block out the noise.
Customizable with our comprehensive range of core technologies
We tailor Document Intelligence to your specific use case, ensuring better performance across different document types to surface relevant insights.
Gain Insights
Multi-source Ingestion
Social media
Task management platforms
Microsoft Office
Combination of processed public information, AI generated measures, social media, etc.
Document Democratization
Public cloud agnostic
Accessible data warehouse
Fast queries
User defined relevance
Advanced query matching
User activity
Building height detection
Contextual AI engine
Semantic search engine
Question answering
Automated sentence highlighting
Gain insights
Topic specific feeds
Automatic topic classification
Popular articles
Emerging topics
AI recommended articles
Project pages
Shared folders
Social features
Enterprise-grade infrastructure and flexible backend
Deployable across all major public cloud platforms
Supports a myriad of file formats and sources
Expert guidance available all the way
Delivered by an award-winning AI team with a strong track record for impact
Our team has published papers for top journals (e.g. ICML) and implements leading-edge AI models as they are published (e.g. BERT, T5), creating real impact for some of the largest companies in the region.
Leverage document intelligence in your business
Document AI solutions for Financial Services
Financial Services
Derive automated insights from your financial documents and monitor relevant technologies and trends to help you discover investment opportunities.
Document AI solutions for Market Research needs
Market Research
Understand consumer behaviour at scale and connect the dots between the latest trends to uncover the next big thing in your industry.
Document AI solutions for Customer Care services
Customer Care
Retrieve relevant information with ease so you can resolve customer queries faster and better.
Start unlocking meaningful insights from your documents with Document Intelligence.
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